
Letter from Monty a long haired tabby:

I can’t believe it’s 5 years since I came home. I am so happy and content and I own a leather chair where it’s warm by the heater and I snuggle down. I don’t like the cold, but there you go. I do have the odd night out when I get my family out at 3am. They think I have a lady friend. Ha ha! I eat very well. Every other day I have a small cooked chicken fillet and tins of Gourmet in between so I am lucky. We have pet blackbirds in the garden who come down for the sultanas and I know I have to leave them alone, so I am well trained. I go for the mice. We have plenty of those under the sheds so that keeps me occupied. Poor little things. Well it’s cold and I’m outside helping Dad feed the wildlife, but I’m about to come in and snuggle down.

Lots of Love from Monty


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